Sunday, April 28, 2013

3 Things That Show Strength, Not Weakness | Connected Principals

3 Things That Show Strength, Not Weakness | Connected Principals:

3 Things That Show Strength, Not Weakness

As a student, I had a specific notion of what a principal should be and in my head they were similar to the “Wizard of Oz”; a person that hid behind the curtain but had all of the knowledge in the world.  I would say that when I became a teacher, that notion carried over.  They would always have the answer and be the place where the “buck stops”.  Working closely with my last couple of principals though, I saw something much different that threw me off.  When I became a principal, I understood why.  Being in the middle area of both age and experience on my staff, yet being the “boss”, I knew that there were a lot of people that knew a lot better that I did  in specific areas and I would be foolish to not tap into their knowledge.
Many new to leadership might see that this mindset actually shows weakness but I believe the opposite.  Being “smart” now doesn’t necessarily mean “knowing the answer” as much as it means knowing where to get the