Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week Six Of Twitter Chat On Student Motivation Using #selfdrivenlrng Hashtag | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

Week Six Of Twitter Chat On Student Motivation Using #selfdrivenlrng Hashtag | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…:

Week Six Of Twitter Chat On Student Motivation Using #selfdrivenlrng Hashtag

My next book, Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation, was published on March 1st by Eye On Education. It’s a sequel to my book, Helping Students Motivate Themselves. Starting in Feb and continuing for 6 weeks, I’ll be tweeting quotes from both books.
  1. You can see tweets from Week One of this Twitter conversation here , Week Two here , Week Three here , Week Four here and Week Five here. You can learn more about the book Helping Students Motivate Themselves here. And you can learn about the bookSelf-Driven Learning here.
  2. What does reading for pleasure do to your brain?