Sunday, March 3, 2013

We spoke to John Stoffel from Indiana tonight, make sure you give him a listen – @ the chalk face

We spoke to John Stoffel from Indiana tonight, make sure you give him a listen – @ the chalk face:

We spoke to John Stoffel from Indiana tonight, make sure you give him a listen

You can listen to the show here. 
One brief comment about it, largely based on a good final point John made. Our little show means to give voices to people who are fighting this stuff, like teachers. I know this from personal experience: if you speak out against what you know is wrong, what the evidence says is wrong, you ARE going to be pegged “crazy,” “unreasonable,” “contrarian,” nuts,” “batsh%t,” or “activist,” although I don’t know why that last one is necessarily negative. Yet, folks ensconced in certain positions of privilege cast the activist moniker like it is negative.
But as you can tell, if you listen to the episode, folks who speak out aren’t insane or crazy. We who host the show aren’t insane. I mean, we’re talking education here, not 911 Truth theories or something. This is simply the perspective that you DO NOT lose weight the more you weigh yourself. You don’t improve education by excessive measurement. That’s it. That’s largely what John was saying. That’s not crazy, nuts, or unreasonable.
But in order for those in power to preserve their version of reality, they will pigeonhole opposition as crazy,