Thursday, March 7, 2013

Throughout March: Reducing Barriers and Expanding Opportunities — Whole Child Education

Throughout March: Reducing Barriers and Expanding Opportunities — Whole Child Education:

Klea Scharberg

Throughout March: Reducing Barriers and Expanding Opportunities

Addressing students' needs levels the playing field. Or rather, addressing students' needs is only leveling the playing field. If a child is hungry, then the need can be addressed by providing breakfast, lunch, and assistance as needed. The same applies if the child is unwell. Many schools have made great strides in addressing students' needs, but some schools have gone further. They have taken an issue that was initially a need and used it to enhance and improve what the school offers.
Join us throughout March as we look at schools that have taken a deficit and turned it into an asset. Some schools have used connections formed into and across the community to enhance and build upon what they first envisaged. Other schools are forming alliances to improve a specific situation, and have then used those same alliances to improve the entire school. How has your school or community taken a challenge