Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Economics of Reform: Ignorance + Confidence = $ucce$$ – @ the chalk face

The Economics of Reform: Ignorance + Confidence = $ucce$$ – @ the chalk face:

The Economics of Reform: Ignorance + Confidence = $ucce$$

“All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.” — Mark Twain
I have a confession to make.
While I am accused often of thinking I know everything, the truth is that I want to know everything. There, I said it.
And part of my voracious habit as a perpetual student (I read like a demon possessed, and once I finished my doctorate in 1998, my first thought was if and how to pursue a second doctorate [1]) is grounded in that pursuit of knowing everything.
Today, I am a bit miffed to have discovered at such a late stage in life that all I needed to do in college was major