Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sun-Times claims credit for PURE state EIG complaint Parents United for Responsible Education

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Sun-Times claims credit for PURE state EIG complaint

Well, I’ll have to admit that it’s flattering for a major metropolitan newspaper to take credit for our action.
But the actual reason the state is investigating UNO’s $98 million grant is not the Sun-Times’s story, but the complaint PURE and LSC members from Pilsen Elementary filed with the state Office of the Executive Inspector General on January 17.
That was a story the Sun-Times failed to report despite having our press release. Catalyst, the only media outlet that showed up to our press conference at the EIG’s office, didn’t run a story.
That’s how out on a limb we were at the time.
A week later, on January 23, the Tribune referenced our complaint in another story about UNO, and Crain’s piled