Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rotten to the Core | The Journal Gazette

Rotten to the Core | The Journal Gazette:

Rotten to the Core

Untested national school standards stifle local voices

As soon as someone tells you something will save education, hide your children, hide your wife and check your back pocket.
Because education deals with children and the American dream, it’s a land of magical thinking. The latest unproven fad is called Common Core.
No one ever field-tested it, but 45 states, including Indiana, adopted it, believing its mental sugar pills will make all U.S. kids “college- and career-ready.”
The Core defines what K-12 children must know in math and English, and forms the basis of forthcoming national tests.
The people who wrote it are not teachers, nor are they from Indiana.
Indiana’s Senate just passed Senate Bill 193 in a bipartisan vote. Republicans sponsored the bill, and