Thursday, March 7, 2013

Put Down the Common Core Kool-Aid | Truth in American Education

Put Down the Common Core Kool-Aid | Truth in American Education:

Put Down the Common Core Kool-Aid

kool-aidJoy Pullman has to be one of my favorite people who writes about the Common Core.  I didn’t realize that she was an Indiana resident until today.  She recently wrote this op/ed for one of her hometown newspapers, The Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette
The first couple paragraphs of her piece articulates the skepticism we should have when somebody proposes a silver bullet answer to our public education woes.
As soon as someone tells you something will save education, hide your children, hide your wife and check your back pocket.
Because education deals with children and the American dream, it’s a land of magical thinking. The latest unproven fad is called Common Core.
No field testing… no field testing… no field testing… that should have been enough to halt the brakes on this madness before it was implemented pretty much everywhere except for some states who had Governors that didn’t join in the group collective, who were willing to ask questions and actually exercise some independent thought.
Fancy that, Governors, thinking for themselves instead of buying into an empty promise with fancy talking points.