Saturday, March 2, 2013

#Pearson propaganda – @ the chalk face

#Pearson propaganda – @ the chalk face:

@TCF on Blog Talk Radio

#Pearson propaganda

So I am clearing out some files and emails today and come across this screen image grab from last spring.  Pearson was circling its wagons from numerous mistakes and errors in its first year in creating the New York State Assessments, including the famous 8th grade talking pineapple reading passage.
As a result of the disastrous spring testing season for Pearson the corporate giant created a propaganda website  and facebook page.  Occasionally public education defenders will comment on the facebook postings and see if we can get censored.  Give it a shot if you need a laugh.
When huge corporations start major media campaigns to try to reverse their negative image you know they are trying to defend practices that are not in the public’s best interest. Give ‘em hell.

Can I Get a WOOO HOOO?

T-shirts, Bumper Stickers, Tattoos.
The unofficial rallying cry of Occupy the DOE 2.0 April 4th – 7th, 2013!
Watch the video!
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