Saturday, March 9, 2013

Patricia Levesque’s Tortured Defense of Bush Foundation’s Work | Scathing Purple Musings

Patricia Levesque’s Tortured Defense of Bush Foundation’s Work | Scathing Purple Musings:

Patricia Levesque’s Tortured Defense of Bush Foundation’s Work

Foundation for Excellence in Education executive director Patricia Levesque took exception to a letter to the editor that appeared in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Here is her response.
In the Feb. 14 Reader’s View, “Truth about FCAT legislation,” Ali Bustamante spread false information about the Foundation for Excellence in Education. Contrary to what he wrote, the foundation’s focus is student achievement.
Mr. Bustamante cites leaps of logic and falsehoods recently made by others regarding an email exchange with Florida leaders discussing the turnaround of failing schools. In an effort to streamline the process of introducing additional, high-quality education options to Florida families, we recommended expediting the approval of charter school operators with a successful track record.
Rather than advocating for a specific charter company, the focus of our recommendation was on