Saturday, March 9, 2013

‘Operation Beautiful’: High School Students Participate In Makeup-Free Day | toteachornototeach

‘Operation Beautiful’: High School Students Participate In Makeup-Free Day | toteachornototeach:

‘Operation Beautiful’: High School Students Participate In Makeup-Free Day

‘Operation Beautiful’: High School 
Students Participate In Makeup-Free Day
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
According to a student-made video by the teens at Plano Senior High School in Texas, girls from the school take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to get ready for school in the morning. However, when male students were interviewed, they said it only took them between 10 and 25 minutes.
This discovery inspired them to create “Operation Beautiful,” a school-wide initiative encouraging PSHS students to go makeup-free for 24 hours on Friday. For students Madeline Milby, Binna Kim and Monica Plenger, the goal was to focus on their inner-beauty and encourage girls to cut down on the hours they spend putting on makeup and doing their hair.
“I think there’s pressure for girls to look a certain way, to meet a standard. The standard is being pushed through media and magazines and everything,” Milby told ABC News. “I’m really hoping it’ll make the girls at school feel