Friday, March 15, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: Speak Out Against Common Core Survey for Teachers/Administrators

Missouri Education Watchdog: Speak Out Against Common Core Survey for Teachers/Administrators:

Speak Out Against Common Core Survey for Teachers/Administrators

Are you a teacher or administrator who would like to speak out against Common Core but fear backlash from your state agency, school or the union?

Here is a way for your opinion to be heard in Missouri.  Take this survey here.  Your identity will not be disclosed, unless you specifically allow it.  We do request you inform us in which county you live so we can forward comments to legislators in that county. They pay very close attention to their own constituents. The legislators are only hearing from those who drank the koolaid on Common Core and have the impression that it is only a faction from outside of teaching who think CC is a bad idea. They need to hear from you!