Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 14th: Colorado Students Stand Up for Education | United Opt Out National

March 14th: Colorado Students Stand Up for Education | United Opt Out National:

March 14th: Colorado Students Stand Up for Education

admin at United Opt Out National - 1 hour ago
March 4th, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WHAT : Students standing up for our education WHEN : March 14th, 2013 from 11am – 2:30pm WHERE : West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol On February 23rd, students gathered to discuss what … MORE

Bess Altwerger: Why I am Coming to Occupy the Dept. of Ed. in DC

admin at United Opt Out National - 1 hour ago
How could I NOT come to Occupy the DOE in DC? At this pivotal moment in history when failure to act will mean the virtual collapse of public education there is nothing more important for any of us to do … MORE

Ruth Rodriguez: Why I am Occupying the Dept. of Ed. in DC

admin at United Opt Out National - 1 hour ago
Hi Soldiers of this War, I’m returning to Occupy to lend my voice with my co-soldiers in the war against our children and community; as Rose Sanders so passionately stated, “This is the worst war fought on American soil, not … MORE

Ruth Powers Silverberg: Why I am Coming to Occupy the Dept. of Ed. in DC

admin at United Opt Out National - 1 hour ago
I occupy because I believe that the cure for HIV and the Middle East crisis and hunger are now or already were in the minds of our children and when someone told them to be quiet they were. I occupy … MORE

Pam Zich: Why I am Coming to Occupy the Dept. of Ed. in DC

admin at United Opt Out National - 1 hour ago
I am coming to D.C. to report on the mockery high-stakes testing has made of individualized education for children with special needs. I will describe some of the bizarre practices taking place as educators attempt to mass produce passing test scores from a segment … MORE