Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Latino Students Attending Increasingly Segregated Schools in Virginia | NewsTacoNewsTaco

Latino Students Attending Increasingly Segregated Schools in Virginia | NewsTacoNewsTaco:

Latino Students Attending Increasingly Segregated Schools in Virginia

By Michael Alison Chandler, Washington Post
Latinos, the largest minority group in Northern Virginia, are attending increasingly segregated schools, according to a report released Tuesday that examines enrollment patterns across the state during the past two decades.
Nearly four out of five Latino students were enrolled in predominantly minority schools in 2010, according to the Civil Rights Project, based at the University of California at Los Angeles. About 7 percent of those students went to “intensely segregated minority schools” — ones where less than 10 percent of students were white and a large majority of students lived in poverty.
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[Photo by Editor B]
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