Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Latino students attending increasingly segregated schools in Virginia - The Washington Post

Latino students attending increasingly segregated schools in Virginia - The Washington Post:

Latest News

Report: Latino students attending increasingly segregated schools in Va.

Civil Rights Project report says nearly four out of five Latino students are in predominantly minority schools.

In Montgomery schools, achievement gap widens in some measures

Report shows gap widening between races in certain academic indicators, points to improvements in others.

School Custodian wins award for helping kids

School Custodian wins award for helping kids
Sometimes a nice little story is just the ticket, and here's one: A custodian at a Texas high school won the national LifeChanger of the Year award for his efforts to help and mentor students.

What is 'The Reasonable School Discipline Act of 2013'?

What is 'The Reasonable School Discipline Act of 2013'?
You won't believe what a bill called "The Reasonable School Discipline Act of 2013" and introduced in the Maryland legislature is intended to accomplish. Think Pop-Tarts and guns.

Dept. of Ed rules on U-Va. sanctions

Officials conclude U-Va.’s accreditor did not break any laws in issuing a warning. Activist group appeals.

Study: Home-schooled kids get more sleep

Study: Home-schooled kids get more sleep
A new study of a few thousand students found that homeschoolers get more sleep than students at traditional public and private schools. What are the consequences?

Parents launch ‘Real Food for Kids Montgomery’ to overhaul school lunch

Grassroots parent group seeks to remove added dyes, sugar from Montgomery school lunches

Real consequences of 'school choice'

Real consequences of 'school choice'
Here's an argument about why the school choice movement has failed to provide real choice for families.