Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: The Rhee-al World

Jersey Jazzman: The Rhee-al World:

The Rhee-al World

The Rhee-al World, as described by Michelle Rhee on Real Time with Bill Maher:
MAHER: I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I hear that all the time: "closing down schools." Where do the kids go then?  
RHEE: Well because the district had done such a poor job of education kids for a very long time, kids were sort of fleeing the district. So we were running the same number of schools, but just with fewer kids. So you can close down the low-performing schools, and then, hopefully, send the kids to somewhat higher-performing schools. [emphasis mine]

The real world:
Former schools chancellor Michelle Rhee’s decision to close 23 D.C. public schools in 2008 cost the city far more than previously reported, according to the