Friday, March 15, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Reform = Repression

Jersey Jazzman: Reform = Repression:

Reform = Repression

Anyone surprised that adherents of the reform "movement" are now banning books has not been paying attention:
Is there a free speech storm brewing at Lane Tech?
Here is what I am hearing.
CPS suits apparently sent a directive to Lane (and how many other high schools?) on March 13th, 2013 to remove copies of the graphic novel, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.
Persepolis deals with the Iranian Revolution and issues of intolerance. The author wrote a sequel. An award winning animated movie was made in 2007.
But the staff at Lane Tech’s library were directed to remove the book from their shelves.
I have been told that some students reported the removal of Persepolis in a journalism course. As reporters, those students called CPS central offices to try to find out what had happened and why the books were being removed.
On March 14 Lane staff members received the following email:
Yesterday afternoon, one of the Network Instructional Support