Friday, March 29, 2013

Glenn Beck Takes on the Common Core: Is Big Data Big Brother? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Glenn Beck Takes on the Common Core: Is Big Data Big Brother? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Glenn Beck Takes on the Common Core: Is Big Data Big Brother?

It is safe to say that Glenn Beck has millions of politically conservative followers, even now, on his less visible cable TV and radio program, TheBlaze. In recent weeks, Beck has turned his attention to the dangers posed by the Common Core.
I do not usually pay close attention to Glenn Beck's work. On his Fox channel show, he took on a professorial air, and often led viewers down a rabbit hole into a shadowy world of Muslim conspiracies. However, the case of the Common Core there may be some substance, and it could begin to erode further the fledgling project.
The most hard-hitting elements of Beck's critique focuses on the data system attached to the Common Core.
What that money again goes to in the stimulus, you know, 40 or 50 pages later: Improving collection and use of data. The State will establish a longitudinal data system that includes