Saturday, March 2, 2013

Daily Kos: Revisiting something I wrote 6 years ago

Daily Kos: Revisiting something I wrote 6 years ago:

Revisiting something I wrote 6 years ago

What is in the blockquote below is from this February 18, 2007 diary
It is my contention that if we lose the battle over public education, it will be that much harder to prevent a fundamentalist takeover of our nation.  That fundamentalism may not be specifically religious - in fact many of those driving the process may well use religious terminology as a cover for far more selfish motives, although there are indubitably those who seek to hasten the final parousia - in this our religious fundamentalists have much more in common with certain strands of Islamic thought than they do with most of historical Christianity.  What is clear is the unwillingness to allow in education alternative interpretations of reality, of "truth" whatever that might be.  The very idea of of a child-focused approach to education, of invoking the natural interest of the child is abhorrent to many driving our educational policy.  For