Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daily Kos: Leaves on the Current - a brief update after 8 weeks

Daily Kos: Leaves on the Current - a brief update after 8 weeks:

Leaves on the Current - a brief update after 8 weeks

this past week has been somewhat difficult.  After two rounds of chemo we now understand why the oncologist has her on a cycle of two weeks on, one week off.  By the last day of the 14 days on, which was last Monday, Leaves was very wiped out and without much energy.   In the ensuing week she has slowly recovered, but her sense of taste remains very unpredictable.  I have, after 6 weeks of chemo treatment and several weeks before that of radiation that she will not be able to predict what will appeal to her, so I no longer buy in any kind of bulk unless it is canned -  Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup remains a staple.
There is a back story on chicken soup.  Once when she was at Harvard and told me by phone how sick she was feeling, I flew up to Boston, and on my way to her dorm stopped by Elsie's and got her a container of chicken soup.  It has been known as Jewish penicillin for a reason.  Similarly with the books of Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Leaves is not yet back to full-time work, although she is working 7-8 hour days with regularity.