Saturday, March 30, 2013

Daily Kos: I know I am getting old

Daily Kos: I know I am getting old:

I know I am getting old

We recently put a new XM radio into my wife's car.  I tuned to the 50s station, which covers music of Rock's first decade, which means into the early 60s, or roughly the period of my school days.  I graduated from high school 50 years ago this June, but I am not sure how much that reality hit home until I was listening to songs of my younger days.
It shocks my spouse that I remember the lyrics from songs from the 1950s.  Perhaps it shouldn't - I am a musician by background and by training, and used to be able to learn lyrics within hearing a song three or four times, and in those days you might here some songs that often within a single hour, if not on the radio, perhaps in a jukebox in a diner.
Today we happened to have on PBS as my wife was eating lunch, and it was the 25th anniversary concert of Peter, Paul and Mary.  I immediately told my wife that had to be more than a quarter century ago, because they were popular in the early 60s, and famous before the 1963 Civil Rights March, at which they appeared.  Besides, they looked only mildly aged in the video.  I had no doubts when they sang a song titled "El Salvador" that it was filmed during the Reagan administration, and it was - in 1986.  Later there was a brief interview of Peter and Paul

Music of another time - yet relevant?

A song by Peter, Paul and Mary from the 1980s
If you want the lyrics, you can go here
Or listen, and think how the country may change, the amount of money may increase but somehow the role US plays???