Wednesday, March 6, 2013

UPDATE: Daily Kos: at least on one occasion democracy beats plutocracy

Daily Kos: at least on one occasion democracy beats plutocracy:

thoughts on being a care-giver

which is my primary occupation at this time, even as I may poke around online to look for possible sources of additional income in the future.
My focus is my beloved spouse, Leaves on the Current.  Everything in my own life now becomes secondary to meeting whatever she needs, or things she needs -  I am no loner going to judge whether it is relevant or necessary, because the real demands of the situation are on her.
This is a real change, for both of us.  I am stubborn, and can be very self-centered.  I can probably make a persuasive argument for doing what I want in most circumstances.  Now that cannot happen.
We know there will be ups and downs as we go through this process.  Right now is a down period - having just finished the 1st two weeks of chemo, she is entering what our nurse educator for the class on chemo told us would be the nadir -  less energy, food not as appealing.
It is important she eat.  Whatever she wants, I will make or buy to ensure she gets nutrition.
If there is a seemingly silly request, I will honor it, to hold her up, to affirm her.
And there is more.

at least on one occasion democracy beats plutocracy

Yesterday was election day in LA.  Included in the contests were several for school board.  Unfortunately incumbent Monica Garcia did defeat Robert Skeels, who would have been far better for education.
But there was a major upset.
According to the Los Angeles Times website, with 100% of votes counted (but not certified) incumbent School Board Member Steve Zimmer won 52-48 over Kate Anderson, who received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the corporatizers, including Murdoch's News Corp, and various billionaires.  Anderson was also supported by the mayor.
I know this post lacks detail, but in an era post-Citizens United, and in an arena (education) where the future of democracy could literally be at risk, it is worth noting that it is possible to overcome the influence of money.
Yes, there may be some unique characteristics to this race, but we should also remember that it is possible to get past the barrage of advertising that the corporatists and billionaires have at their disposal.