Friday, March 1, 2013

Closing Schools 4 Choice (and Excellence) | EduShyster

Closing Schools 4 Choice (and Excellence) | EduShyster:

Closing Schools 4 Choice (and Excellence)

The best way to enhance the excellence of our public schools is by closing them.
It is a well-known true fact that the fastest way to improve schools in order to launch students on a path to 21st century prosperity is to close them. In fact, nine out of ten advocates of closing schools in order to promote enhanced choice and excellence have found that choice and excellence are enhanced when schools are closed. Unfortunately, closing a school while the students are still inside can prove difficult, especially in this era of putting students first.
Dear leader: know that you are not alone in your worthy cause of shuttering schools in order to offer the students who used to attend them more choice (and excellence). The outstanding experts at the Broad Foundation, which transforms urban schools by closing them, have helpfully assembled an 83 page guide to shutting ‘er down. The