Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chicago Board of Education Plans to Shut Down 54 Schools, Move 30,000 Students | PBS NewsHour | March 22, 2013 | PBS

Chicago Board of Education Plans to Shut Down 54 Schools, Move 30,000 Students | PBS NewsHour | March 22, 2013 | PBS:

Chicago Board of Education Plans to Shut Down 54 Schools, Move 30,000 Students


The Chicago Board of Education plans to close 54 schools, citing a $1 billion deficit and under-enrollment. Critics say this move will disrupt communities and put kids in danger. For both sides of the debate, Jeffrey Brown talks with Board vice president Jesse Ruiz and Karen Lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union.

JEFFREY BROWN: The debate over the city of Chicago's plan to close dozens of public schools intensified today. Public school officials cited a billion-dollar deficit and under enrollment as the driving factors behind the move. But critics claim it will hurt the communities where the schools are located, primarily Hispanic and African-American neighborhoods.
The closures could start as soon as this school year ends. This week, parents received letters alerting them to the proposed cuts.