Saturday, March 23, 2013

ASCD Conference Day 3: Will the “Common Core Work For You”? | InterACT

ASCD Conference Day 3: Will the “Common Core Work For You”? | InterACT:

ASCD Conference Day 3: Will the “Common Core Work For You”?

Sandra Alberti presenting at the ASCD Conference, Chicago, 3/18/13 (photo by the author)
Sandra Alberti presenting at the ASCD Conference,
Chicago, 3/18/13 (photo by the author)
Home from Chicago for nearly a week now, no longer exhausted but still nursing a cold, I still want to serve up a final “quick view” from the ASCD Conference in Chicago. On the final day of the conference, I wandered through the exhibit hall a bit, and left one presentation half-way through in order to get to the airport; as a result, there was only one session I attended in its entirety, Sandra Alberti’s presentation, ”Making the Common Core Work For You.” In this post I focus on just one presentation, and in a subsequent post, take up broader questions of what I did and didn’t hear at the ASCD Conference regarding Common Core implementation.

At the organization Student Achievement Partners (SAP), Sandra Alberti holds the title Director of State and District Partnerships and Professional Development. She described SAP as a creation of Common Core authors David Coleman, Susan Pimentel, and Jason Zimba. The first thing Alberti wanted us to know is that SAP views