Thursday, March 21, 2013

ALEC Promotes Vouchers in Douglas County, Colorado - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

ALEC Promotes Vouchers in Douglas County, Colorado - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

ALEC Promotes Vouchers in Douglas County, Colorado

Over the past few years we have heard of a conservative political group called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). This group holds regular meetings which bring together legislators and representatives of corporations. They draft legislation together, and the legislators go back to their states to enact it into law. The corporations also find out where to channel their campaign contributions. 
ALEC is beginning to also play a role in local school boards, as we are seeing in places like the Douglas County School District in Colorado. The following report was written by Anne Kleinkopf, a parent who is a board member of the grassroots group Taxpayers for Public Education
Guest post by Anne Kleinkopf.
Despite an attempt to make it appear as though the Douglas County School District "Choice Scholarship" program was locally generated, it in fact can be traced to the work and influence of powerful pro-voucher, anti- public education organizations, especially the American Legislative Exchange Council.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a powerful nation wide organization dedicated to pushing its legislative and social agenda. Education is one of ALEC's biggest concerns, and its agenda for education is quite clear: its 'ideological mission is to defund and redesign public schools" by "privatizing education" and "dismantling the public school system." And one of its primary means for achieving this goal is its parental