Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why Is Obama’s Agriculture Department blocking school integration?

Why Is Obama’s Agriculture Department blocking school integration?:

Why Is Obama’s Agriculture Department blocking school integration?

iowaThe previous post looked school desegregation history, and this one looks at current events. It was written by Richard D. Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, a nonprofit public policy research organization, writes about education, equal opportunity and civil rights. This appeared on thefoundation’s blog.
By Richard Kahlenberg
This week, Iowa City, Iowa joined a growing number of school districts in trying to promote student academic achievement by giving all pupils a chance to attend good, economically diverse schools. The policy is a big step forward, as it is backed by a half-century of research suggesting that students do much better when they attend schools with a mix of middle-class and low-income students as opposed to schools with high concentrations of poverty.
But the good news was tempered by a potential legal cloud imposed by the Obama 

Why some black families led the charge against school desegregation

In 2007, a court case filed in Louisville, Ky., was argued before the Supreme Court. The decision changed how American schools handle race and undermined the most important civil rights cases of the last century. In “Divided We Fail: The … Continue reading →

N.C. governor attacks higher ed, proposes funding colleges by graduates’ jobs

There’s a new voice in the continued and rather tired trashing of higher education and the liberal arts by conservatives: North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory. Just a few weeks after he took office, more than 12,000 people have already signed … Continue reading →