Friday, February 8, 2013

The Educated Reporter: Under the Microscope: Examining STEM Education

The Educated Reporter: Under the Microscope: Examining STEM Education:

Under the Microscope: Examining STEM Education

I'm at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County today for EWA's seminar for journalists on STEM education. This is a front-burner issue nationally, as politicians and policymakers contend the nation's global competitiveness depends on steering more students successfully into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

We have a jam-packed agenda, including discussion of the implementation of the new Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, and the pipeline problem of getting students from classroom to career. I'm particularly interested to hear from Scott Jaschik of Inside Higher Ed and Eric Robelen ofEducation Week about what reporters need to know when delving into these key issues.

I'm also going to get the opportunity to interview Jake Scott, a math teacher at Montgomery Blair High School,