Thursday, February 7, 2013

UPDATE: Voting for the Levies Seattle Schools Community Forum: MAP Boycott Support/Action Rolls On

Seattle Schools Community Forum: MAP Boycott Support/Action Rolls On:

Voting for the Levies

Did you?  Still pondering?

I hear of virtually no one who is against the Operations Levy.  The reality of what the state is NOT providing is clear for all to see.  Take 25% of our General Fund away and watch the bottom drop out of our district.

But BEX.

 In case you missed it, there are several loose groups against it but interestingly, none of them have joined forces.  Depending on your point of view, this could be a good thing because there is not a focus or widespread message. (And the media seems oblivious to this fact which is interesting.  Either there are some lazy people or they don't really want to cover the issue in a real way.  I don't know for sure.)

It seems that a lot of the issue around BEX falls into two camps - poor decision-making/misuse of funds and "the 

MAP Boycott Support/Action Rolls On

From the Huffington Post and NEA President Dennis Van Roekel:

If we really want systems that help all students reach their full potential, we must allow educators, parents, students and communities to be a part of the process and have a stronger voice in the conversations around high-quality assessments that really do support student learning. 

Educators are fed up with flawed accountability measures, and the new face of teacher unionism has its eyes fixed on changing the current culture of standardized testing mania. In a dramatic way, Seattle teachers and others are driving the national conversation on professional issues and school reform. Colleagues in classrooms across the country recognize the importance of this action and stand ready to support these educators in any way that we can. Solidarity.

In Chicago:

Demanding fewer standardized tests in their children's schools, and more test transparency from the distric