Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Schools Matter: Shelby County Schools Slashing, But Charter Plans Remain Untouched and Invisible

Schools Matter: Shelby County Schools Slashing, But Charter Plans Remain Untouched and Invisible:

Shelby County Schools Slashing, But Charter Plans Remain Untouched and Invisible

The Gates Plan for Memphis schools is proving to be more expensive than Bill fans ever dreamed, and apparently the superintendents of city and county plan to push forward without public knowledge or discussion among themselves, preferring instead to present a phony-baloney budget to the County Commission that they know will not survive.   Apparently, the Board is not eager to take responsibility for increasing class sizes or for slashing employees, benefits, libraries, etc.:
Despite a proposed 170 central office employee layoffs, five school closings, changes in the teacher-pupil ratios in the schools, a reduction in the district’s contribution to employee health insurance premiums and other cost-cutting measures, however, a preliminary 2014 general fund budget for the unified district was still short by $83 million.
Meanwhile, no one at the School Board is talking about the primary reason there is a projected deficit of $200