Friday, February 8, 2013

UPDATE: Stopping MA DESE from Turning Over Student and Teacher Records Schools Matter: Portland Student Unions Support Seattle's Opt Out

Schools Matter: Portland Student Unions Support Seattle's Opt Out:

Stopping MA DESE from Turning Over Student and Teacher Records to Corporations

Letter from ACLU to MA BESE:

February 5, 2013
Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street
MaldenMA 02148

Dear Board Members,

It has come to our attention that the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education intends to share confidential student and teacher data with the Gates Foundation, as part of its Shared Learning Collaborative, consisting of personally identifiable information including 

Portland Student Unions Support Seattle's Opt Out

Here is the place to sign up and support Portland, Oregon students who support Seattle, WA teachers. Who will be next to stand up to the bullies selling "junk" high stakes standardized tests (HSST's) to school districts?

Can they fire all the students?Expel them, suspend them, put them in jail?
Why are so many students finally just opting out and do these students have any rights? No one knows the answer because it's not on the test.
This is important to the future of public education, to the fight for community control, for putting a stop to standardized testing, curriculum, and graduation