Thursday, February 14, 2013

School Tech Connect: These Kids Are The 25%, Apparently

School Tech Connect: These Kids Are The 25%, Apparently:

These Kids Are The 25%, Apparently

129 schools on the hit list in Chicago.

You must remember that the de facto superintendent here, the mayor, laid his hand on the table months ago, in a meeting with Karen Lewis:
He did say to me that 25 percent of the students in this city are never going to be anything, never going to amount to anything and he was never going to throw money at them."
He denied the comment at the time, but I believe her. 

In the suburbs, no such cynical person would ever be elected to a school board, unless he was funded by an out of state billionaire. 

The CPS list is appalling. Trumbull? Stockton? Has CPS walked through these schools to see who they're serving? ---- There are travesties in every sector of the city, of course, but they're concentrated on the west and