Thursday, February 14, 2013

School Tech Connect: Joe Moore: He Wants A Charter At Gale

School Tech Connect: Joe Moore: He Wants A Charter At Gale:

Joe Moore: He Wants A Charter At Gale

I can't keep doing this..... I don't know how to describe this feeling to all the suburban people who really aren't paying attention to the CPS closings.  You basically have to go to battle with the system night after night after night. My colleagues go home after work--- I prep for war.

Gale had a lovely evening tonight. Craig Benes came out to bask in an evening of not getting yelled at. He wears expertly tailored pants; I never noticed that before. Skinny pants, even. I wish I could carry off that look.  Joe Moore actually materialized instead of being at  whatever non-ward related thing he was "previously scheduled" at. fracking, foie gras, I don't know where he was. Clearly the ward office clued him in into the political disaster he's vacillated into.

I love Gale school. I'm glad they had a chance to review all the great programming they do, and to have those things affirmed. But it's bittersweet, isn't it? Being saved from extinction when so many others weren't; that won't sit will with the Gale community over time.