Saturday, February 23, 2013

Overheard at KIPP | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Overheard at KIPP | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

Overheard at KIPP

In November I visited the KIPP high school in New York City and wrote about it.  Trying to be diplomatic and maybe even be invited to come back some time, I left out some things that I wanted to write about.  More recently, I reached out to the two founders of KIPP in one of my open letters and was kind of disappointed that they did not respond to it.  I also had tried to make that letter pretty tame and easy to respond to, and both Dave and Mike did write back to me that they got the letter, but it was pretty clear that there was not going to be any big public response the way that, for example, Wendy Kopp did.
So maybe this is petty, but this made me a bit upset.  Here I was trying to advance dialogue and also having showed ‘good faith’ by diluting my analysis of their flagship high school and they could not be bothered to write back a small response to someone they have known for twenty years.
So this made me want to reveal a little more about what I learned at KIPP.  I suppose I could have channeled my