Monday, February 4, 2013

Opposition to Common Core Grows Across the Political Spectrum - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Opposition to Common Core Grows Across the Political Spectrum - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Opposition to Common Core Grows Across the Political Spectrum

The drive towards Common Core State Standards and standardized assessments to enforce them has been described as an unstoppable train, and teachers are warned that we had better get on board with the process, or risk being run over. But opposition to this juggernaut is emerging from some surprising places, which creates the possibility of some unusual alliances. Education Week reports today that many states are facing new resistance-- not surprising in light of my recent encounter with some very angry Arizonans.
Last week I was the lone skeptic at an Arizona event focused on school choice (you can watch the videos here).
I was not surprised by the vigorous support of choice - the event was sponsored by the very conservative Americans For Prosperity. The audience was not happy when I spoke in favor of public schools, or in defense of