Wednesday, February 13, 2013

UPDATE: Common Core Claims Aren't Factual and Questions Remain Unanswered + Missouri Education Watchdog: Bill Gates, Education Reform and Philanthrocapitalism. .

Missouri Education Watchdog: Bill Gates, Education Reform and Philanthrocapitalism. .:

Common Core Claims Aren't Factual and Questions Remain Unanswered

Diane Ravitch makes some valid points and raises serious questions about Common Core standards and why the business community is so keen on seeing them implemented. The claims are bolded; the questions are highlighted. From 15153:

Yesterday, 72 business corporations published a full-page advertisement in the New York 

Bill Gates, Education Reform and Philanthrocapitalism. .

Joy Pullman of the Heartland Institute wrote an article Education Policies Led by Gates, Not States questioning the intent and outcome of Bill Gates' investment in education reform:

The world’s largest philanthropy has targeted education policymaking, sparking debate among education wonks and watchdogs over whether some of its activities cloak government actions and amount to lobbying.

An article written by  RiShawn Biddle Common Core Foes’ Laughable Gates Foundation Conspiracy-Theorizingin Dropout Nation dismissed Ms. Pullman's research and chalked it up to a conspiracy by conservatives:

Covering the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s efforts on the school reform front — along with the