Friday, February 22, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Mayor 2% and the freedom riders

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Mayor 2% and the freedom riders:

Mayor 2% and the freedom riders

All the corporate reformers, from Duncan to Rhee,  have been claiming that education is a civil rights issue. Turns out, they were right. Only they are the violators.

Here's the real freedom riders:
“We are here today to declare that school closings and displacing children primarily black and brown children is a civil rights issue,” said the Rev. Krista Alston, whose son attended Price until it closed. “It is a civil rights issue when children are denied the right to a quality education in their own neighborhood where they live.”
Rahm's wreck

Brother Fred art
Some are speculating that Rahm can kiss his 2016 White House aspirations goodbye. His ratings are in the toilet,