Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Marco Rubio’s Cynical Support for Federal School Vouchers | Scathing Purple Musings

Marco Rubio’s Cynical Support for Federal School Vouchers | Scathing Purple Musings:

Marco Rubio’s Cynical Support for Federal School Vouchers

Marco Rubio’s role last night as deliverer of the message from what was once called the loyal opposition (Boy, does that seem outdated or what?) was  a thankless one. But in presidential politics, Rubio’s appearance could not have been more significant. Jeb Bush won’t be running for president now. Rubio doesn’t get the gig last night if Bush were still pondering a run. Bush’s curious flirtation with a Venezuelan media mogul last week to help him buy  the Miami Marlins was the first sign, but there was never any way that Bush was going to give up his role as the nation’s education policy Pope. But Rubio still had to kiss the ring.  He did last night in his support for a federal school voucher plan. Ron Matus writes in redefinED:
In what could be the most far-reaching school choice legislation in U.S. history, Sen. Marco Rubio,