Thursday, February 14, 2013

Louisiana Educator: Attack on Public Education Continues

Louisiana Educator: Attack on Public Education Continues:

Attack on Public Education Continues

As most educators are now aware, the attack on public education in Louisiana is expected to intensify greatly this year. This is happening despite the fact that public schools across the state have made great progress in raising state test scores and improving the graduation rate.  Apparently the reformers were not satisfied with your efforts. Jindal, White and now Roemer want nothing less than complete privatization of our K-12 school system.See these amazing revelations by Roemer, the new BESE president, in the Monroe News Star. It has become clearer recently that Roemer like Jindal wants to make dismantling of public education according to ALECspecifications his platform for running for higher office. Not only is this not a good education strategy but it apparently is not a good political strategy according to a recent poll of Jindal's approval rating.  Meanwhile our public schools may suffer irreparable damage!

There is no evidence whatsoever that private school providers deliver a better education to public school students who attend voucher schools or who take the new online courses that are the current fad in education. In fact the academic results in Milwaukee, Cleveland and New Orleans for voucher schools have been very poor compared to traditional public schools. In addition, there are major scandals developing in several states over the abuse of public funding by online schools. For example: pupil teacher ratios of 250:1 and no accountability. Such virtual