Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Joy Resmovits: UTLA Can't Count On Money From NEA, Nation's Largest Teachers Union

Joy Resmovits: UTLA Can't Count On Money From NEA, Nation's Largest Teachers Union:

UTLA Can't Count On Money From NEA, Nation's Largest Teachers Union

Mayor Bloomberg Your Money Sucks! (Learn More click picture)
School board races in Los Angeles are heating up -- and they're getting expensive.

The nation's second-largest school district is at the center of a broader battle over the future over education reform. Since 2010, Superintendent John Deasy has run the district, implementing policies consistent with the national "education reform" movement, which pushes things such as test-based teacher evaluations and charter schools. But if the composition of the school board changes significantly, Deasy could be fired.

That's why outside interests are pumping money into the race. Earlier this week, LA School Report reported that a super PAC associated with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg spent $1 million on a group known as the Coalition for School Reform. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has supported Deasy's efforts, released a statement calling Bloomberg "the most important voice in education reform today," LA School Report wrote.