Friday, February 22, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Weasel Migration: USDOE to Murdoch Inc.

Jersey Jazzman: Weasel Migration: USDOE to Murdoch Inc.:

Weasel Migration: USDOE to Murdoch Inc.

Just in case you were worried that the Washington public-private revolving door was restricted to Capitol Hill:
Cozy. Justin Hamilton, who recently left the U.S. Department of Education, where he served as press secretary for Secretary Arne Duncan, has gone to work for Amplify, the online education company owned by Rupert Murdoch and run by Joel Klein.
Hamilton is senior vice president for corporate communications. Klein, the former chancellor of New York City public schools, is executive vice president at Murdoch’s News Corp. and director of Amplify.
In December, Klein described Amplify’s business strategy at the UBS Global Media and Communication Conference, saying that it was up to the private sector to 

Chicago Teachers, Be Thankful for Karen Lewis

I have made a point of staying out of local union politics. While I have shared my disagreements at times with labor leaders, I am ultimately on their team. I made a point of not telling members of the Newark Teachers Unionhow to vote on their contract, although I made it clear that I had problems with the deal; I didn't think it was right for me to demand another union member go on strike while I stayed safely in my job.

So, I've kept away from taking sides in union votes. And I haven't endorsed any candidates for labor union office.

Until now.

Chicago teachers, you should know how lucky you are to have Karen Lewis as the president of your local. And you should reward her efforts on your behalf - and on mine - with another term.

I'm not going to get into the details of the current race, because I know nothing about them. I will, instead, direct