Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Pundits: Listen To Teachers!

Jersey Jazzman: Pundits: Listen To Teachers!:

Pundits: Listen To Teachers!

Diane Ravitch is one of my heroes. So when she asked me to write a guest post for her blog, I was thrilled and honored. This piece was originally published here, but I wanted to have a copy at my blog as well.

As an American public school teacher, one of my greatest frustrations is how little our debate about education has been informed by the people who actually do the teaching. It's not that I think teachers are the only ones who should have a say in education policy; that would be as foolish as thinking that only astronauts who've been in space should determine the direction of NASA.

Increasingly, however, I'm finding arguments put forward by pundits that are rather silly to someone who has