Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jeb Bush’s Misleading Anti-Public School, Anti-Teacher Spew in Texas | Scathing Purple Musings

Jeb Bush’s Misleading Anti-Public School, Anti-Teacher Spew in Texas | Scathing Purple Musings:

Jeb Bush’s Misleading Anti-Public School, Anti-Teacher Spew in Texas

So the Jeb Bush US Tour continued in Texas yesterday only this time with son, George in tow. From the Associated Press on
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and his rising-political-star son, George P. Bush, urged Texas on Tuesday to dismantle the “monopoly of public education” by dramatically expanding access to charter schools, embracing online learning and overhauling how teachers are evaluated.
But neither man offered any hints about his political future.
The elder Bush, who is often mentioned as a possible contender for president in 2016, told an