Saturday, February 2, 2013

UPDATE: The inconvenient truth of education ‘reform’ + Is 2013 the tipping point for high-stakes testing obsession?

Is 2013 the tipping point for high-stakes testing obsession?:

The inconvenient truth of education ‘reform’

convenientSeveral important things happened in the education world in the last week. Here’s an analysis of why what happened matters, by Jeff Bryant, a marketing and communications consultant for nonprofits. He is a marketing and creative strategist with nearly 30 years of experience – the past 20 on his own – as a freelance writer, consultant, and search engine marketing provider. He’s written extensively about public education policy. This appeared on the Campaign for America’s Future website.
By Jeff Bryant
Events this week revealed how market-driven education policies, deceivingly labeled as “reform,” are revealing their truly destructive effects on the streets and in the corridors of government.
From the streets, we heard from civil rights and social justice activists from urban communities that school turnaround policies mandated by the Obama administrati

Is 2013 the tipping point for high-stakes testing obsession?

teset1For the last year a revolt against high-stakes standardized testing has been growing around the country, with teachers, principals, superintendents, parents and students speaking out about the negative impact on education of this obsession. Here, educator and author Sam Chaltain (@samchaltain) looks at where 2013 will take us in this movement. Chaltain began his career as an English teacher in New York City. Now he writes about the intersection of education and democracy at Previously, he was national director of the Forum for Education & Democracy, an