Saturday, February 16, 2013

Even #progressive media can’t report #education in helpful ways, @maddow – @ the chalk face

Even #progressive media can’t report #education in helpful ways, @maddow – @ the chalk face:

Even #progressive media can’t report #education in helpful ways, @maddow

I listened to this segment on satellite radio the other night. Rachel Maddow was talking the President’s pre-K plan. Here’s more about it from the Maddow Blog. At this point, I can’t even discern who the guest was on the show, some dude. He was clearly an economist. He did some study on the benefits of Pre-K as a worthwhile “investment.” I don’t necessarily disagree with that point. But Maddow pressed him a couple of times on how or why certain Pre-K programs were of better “quality.” He just couldn’t answer her question. He kept talking about high quality programs and how they’re a better investment and all of that. He could not, however, get into any

Account of a trans man’s experiences as a high school teacher, via buzzfeed