Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Et tu, Rube? | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Et tu, Rube? | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

Et tu, Rube?

On a post I wrote last week called ‘The Status Quo Miracle District,” I got a bunch of angry comments from people who seemed to feel betrayed by my ‘debunking’ of the media inflated claims of a ‘public’ school district.
This is the first comment:
Very unhelpful. With friends like you, public education needs no enemies. You help the reformer deformers with this.
And what do you know of Union City? I expect extremely little. You’re so busy venting a blogger’s ATTITUDE, that you’ve lost all thoughtfulness.
Most were much more thoughtful that that, and there were plenty of ‘supporters’ of the point I was trying to make.
I think the fear is that some politician could read my post and think “So investing extra money and doing the kinds of reform that the unions always say is necessary doesn’t bring up test scores.  Therefore we’ve got to