Saturday, February 16, 2013

Decadent fBillionaires: They walk amongst us

Decadent fBillionaires: They walk amongst us:

Decadent billionaire Zombies: They walk amongst us

How much more pain will the working class allow the decadent billionaire zombies to inflict on the working class in America?  The answer is ssimple:  as much as an unorganized working class will allow them.  These disaster capitalist zombies are in the captain’s seat, that is for sure.  What this spells for Amerrica is a crisis of proportions not even imaginable in tthe old Gilded Age.  This surely now is the new ‘Gelded Age’ and these inflicters of pain will trample the old and handcuff the young.  It is Mussolini style fascism and it is here now; it has arrrived.  Do not count on the enabbling unions and their shigh paid executives to help.  They sold out long ago!
Only mobilization and direct action will stop them.  Anything less is enablement.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg boasts of breaking New York school bus strike as part of assault on public education
By Sandy English
16 February 2013
New York City’s billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg delivered a shamelessly self-aggrandizing “State of the City” address—his last