Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Daily Kos: apropos of nothing of importance

Daily Kos: apropos of nothing of importance:

apropos of nothing of importance

I have in the past 24 hours had a myriad of thoughts running through my mind.
They do not on the surface seem to fit together, but in my warped way of thinking they do.
So bear with me while I explore some seemingly unrelated topics,  beginning at home.
This afternoon Leaves on the Current begins chemo and resumes radiation.  She has in the past few days had a positive mindset, as we allowed friends to come and visit - several who came were themselves survivors of medical situations which required chemo, and were able to give her support.  Yesterday we drove around the countryside and then had a pleasant dinner in a country inn we love that has basically all-natural food, and she - normally a strict vegetarian - even ate a (humanely raised and antibiotic free) chicken.  Except, perhaps by anticipation, she has been unable to sleep, because she is keyed up about today.
And then there is the political world.