Monday, February 25, 2013

Commercialism is Kidnapping Our Brains Without Our Consent | Cooperative Catalyst

Commercialism is Kidnapping Our Brains Without Our Consent | Cooperative Catalyst:

Commercialism is Kidnapping Our Brains Without Our Consent

Image courtesy Koninklijke NKBV/Flickr.
Every February the Banff Festival of Mountain Films World Tour comes to Ellsworth, Maine, near where I live; it’s a highlight of the winter for us. We love watching the best films of the several hundred submissions in Mountain Sports and Mountain Culture, and without fail, unless I am traveling for work, I attend all the nights of the tour. As I did this year.
As usual, there were amazing films, showcasing incredible athletes and powerful stories. But this year there was a new, unexpected, and dismaying shift toward commercialism. The festival is sponsored by many companies. Common among them are National Geographic, along with companies that produce outdoor gear and clothing, trail bars and other foods, etc. The sponsors receive a good deal of publicity. They’re featured in the program and on the visually stunning and powerful opening festival film that introduces the tour. If you attend the festival, you