Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why are Tax-Funded Common Core Meetings Closed to the Public? | Truth in American Education

Why are Tax-Funded Common Core Meetings Closed to the Public? | Truth in American Education:

Why are Tax-Funded Common Core Meetings Closed to the Public?

Joy Pullman, research fellow at The Heartland Institute and the managing editor of School Reform News, reports that the meeting of Council of Chief State School Officers to write and discuss the Common Core State Standards are closed to the public.
Meetings between members of the Council of Chief State School Officers to write and discuss these standards and corresponding tests are closed to the public, though taxpayers pay for state officials to attend these meetings and to be CCSSO members.
“[T]he Council of Chief State School Officers holds over one hundred meetings per year,” itsmeeting webpage states. “CCSSO meetings are closed to the public and attendance is byinvitation only unless otherwise denoted” (emphasis original).
CCSSO and the National Governor’s Association are two nonprofits that coordinated state involvement and adoption of the Core. It outlines what states will expect K-12 children to know in